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Meet The Team

If you are concerned about the welfare or wellbeing of a young person at our school during term time, please contact the school (020 8946 4112) and ask to speak to a member of the safeguarding team or send an email to:

Mr P Nash
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)  

Ms K Heard

Ms K Taylor
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL)  


Ms H Mc Inerney
Assistant Headteacher

Ms S Hegarty
Family Engagement Lead


Ms S Yusuf

Ms S Yusuf
Student Wellbeing Manager

Mr G Arnot

Ms T Hansford
SEN Administration Assistant


Mr O Bolili 

Ms H Watson 
 Wellbeing Assistant  

Ms T Benzecry

Ms T Benzecry
Nominated Governor for Child Protection