Pastoral Care
At Raynes Park High School, we have a comprehensive Pastoral Team who are able to provide outstanding levels of pastoral care and support to our students.
The Form Tutor’s role is central to the welfare and success of students. They are your first point of contact at the school. Any problems regarding behaviour or any other query may be discussed with your child’s Form Tutor in school by appointment, by email or by telephone through the school Reception – 020 8946 4112
The Head of Year will track student progress and attendance, and will follow through on any concerns related to behaviour, effort, attendance and punctuality. There is also an emphasis on ensuring that students achieve their potential and are supported in overcoming any barriers which they face.
The Head of Year will highlight achievements and improvements made by individual students and also communicate regularly with parents/carers when a student may need specific interventions to support their progress and behaviour for learning.
Our Inclusion Mentor is responsible for supporting students in an informal way. If issues arise students may be referred to the Inclusion Mentor who will meet with students and undertake some monitoring to ensure that students cope with life at school and address the barriers to learning. There is also an informal drop-in session at lunchtimes, where students can come and talk through a range of issues, and there is a range of targeted group work including Friendships, Self-Esteem, Anger Management, Resilience through Art and Conflict Resolution workshops.
The Family Engagement Lead focuses their work on tackling underachievement, non-engagement and non-attendance from students. This is done by working with our vulnerable families, parents/carers, and children to enable all students to have full access to educational opportunities helping to remove any barriers.
The Student Wellbeing Manager works in close liaison with the Pastoral Team, Safeguarding Team and external agencies to ensure the appropriate support is in place for students wellbeing and mental health needs. The Student Wellbeing Manager is in charge of the implementation of different wellbeing related projects for staff and students and has had comprehensive training to provide them with the skillset to be able to deliver 1 to 1 and group interventions to support the varying needs of students. Topics such as friendships, self-esteem, anger management, resilience and anxiety can be covered in these interventions.