House Assemblies
This week at RPHS, we had our house assemblies where each House: Gibbs, Newsoms, Miltons, and Halliwells welcomed their new Year’s 7s to join them. Not only did we welcome the new year 7s, but we were also introduced to the new Head of House.
Gibbs- Mr. Pritchard
Miltons- Ms. Mcort
Newtons - Mr. Sanderson
Halliwells- Mr Bissup
Miltons shared extra celebrations as the news was told to them that they came first in the overall House Points last year! This was a brilliant result, and it will motivate them as well as the other Houses to win this year and get even more points!
Coming in after the other year groups, the year 7s were greeted with cheers and applause. Each new House Leader introduced themselves and spoke about their aims for their House and the ethos that they will be following. The Head of House explained how each House is named after some of the school's original Housemasters, bringing some history to RPHS as we know it. The house system at RPHS is a fantastic opportunity for students to develop their personalities and extend their skills in extra-curricular activities with their House.
This year we look forward to the competitive rivalry between each House as they work hard to attain House Points, take part in sports competitions, and aim to raise the most money for their House Charities.
Find more photos of the assemblies on our Instagram page