OFSTED inspection Report

RPHS Officially Rated 'Good'
We are delighted to share the fantastic news that following our two-day Ofsted inspection on the 26th and 27th November 2024, the school has maintained its overall Good grading against Ofsted’s high standards, confirming that RPHS remains securely good in all areas. The report highlights many strengths of the school and we are particularly proud that the inspectors described RPHS as “a friendly and welcoming school where pupils are well supported” and one where “staff listen to pupils and take their views seriously; this helps pupils feel safe and comfortable in the school environment”. This accomplishment reflects the dedication and hard work of our students and staff, and is a testament to the nurturing learning environment that we strive to create and our relentless focus on raising the standard of education for all. The feedback provided to Ofsted by students, families and staff was very positive and we remain thankful to the RPHS community that values the education we provide. Our students presented themselves extremely well throughout the inspection, but no different to how they present themselves all year round. They also spoke confidently about their learning and were articulate in describing not just what they are learning but how they are learning. The full report can be read here.