Open Events 2021

We are delighted to be able to hold our Open Evening this year on Thursday 16th September from 4pm to 6pm.
It will be a more streamlined event than in previous years in order to minimise the risk to our students, staff and guests and we ask that all adult visitors wear a face covering whilst in the school buildings.
Open Evening will be held in our Main Building and all departments will be available to answer any questions you may have as well as showcase the work students carry out in their subject. Mrs Heard, Headteacher, will be available to speak to during the evening but will not be giving a traditional talk to avoid putting large groups of people together. However, she will be speaking to families at Open Mornings which will be held on the mornings of Tuesday 5th October to Thursday 7th October. Booking is essential as places are limited and you will be able to reserve your place at our Open Evening or by calling our Admissions Officer, Mrs Wilson-Boyle, from Friday 17th September onwards. Families should arrive at 9am and Mrs Heard will speak to families after their tour of the school.
Please click here to view our prospectus.
Please click here to view our dedicated Transition website.