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For students to secure the best outcomes, attending school regularly is vital. We expect students to attend school on time, every day the school is open unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable. 

Our attendance expectations are outlined below and summarises what to do when your child is absent from school: 

  • Parents/Carers need to contact the school each and every day their child is absent from school (as early as possible). 
  • Medical evidence is a standard request for all absences when attendance falls below the threshold of 96% 
  • Leave of absence during term time is not permitted, and Headteachers can only give consideration to applications that are not only unavoidable but also meet “Exceptional Circumstance’ criteria (evidence to support your request will be required). 

Please ensure that if your child is absent that you report this as early as possible.  You can do this by either completing the RPHS absence reporting form or by email to  You must also ensure you make contact on every subsequent day of absence.   

Minor illnesses and complaints such as headaches, colds, tummy pains, period pains and hayfever etc, are not acceptable reasons for absences. We ask that your child take the appropriate medication or remedy and come into school as soon as possible.  Your child can bring in extra medication – a maximum of 2 tablets - should they need further medication later on in the day.  

Where medical/dental appointments cannot be arranged outside of school hours, students are expected to attend school either before or after the appointment time.  Whole days will not be authorised where this is unnecessary and appointment cards, letters or screen shots of planned appointments are required. Appointments attended during the school day will be marked with M or L if your child arrives in school after the appointment. We cannot mark a child present in school who is attending a medical appointment.    

If your child’s attendance drops below 96% without good reason, you will receive an initial letter (1) informing you that we are concerned and monitoring the situation; the letter states that should there be any further absences, we will require supporting medical evidence.   If there are further absences, a subsequent letter (2) will be sent inviting you to an attendance meeting with a member of the pastoral team and a Parenting Contract may be issued.  Following Letters 1 and 2, if there is no improvement in your child’s attendance, then the following actions may be taken.   

  • Invite to Attendance Support plan meeting  
  • Home visit from the Educational Welfare Officer  
  • Referral to the  Education Welfare Officer 
  • Education Penalty Notice. 

If you wish to make a request for a Leave of Absence due to exceptional circumstances during term time, please complete a Leave of Absence Request Form, which can be downloaded below. Please note that completion of the Leave of Absence form does not guarantee approval for the absence.  You will be notified by the school if your request has been approved or refused. If your Leave of Absence is refused, it may be subject to a penalty notice fine of £60 per parent if it is paid within 21 days, increasing to £120 per parent if it is paid within 21-28 days. If the fine is not paid within 28 days you may be prosecuted under Section 444 (1) of the Education Act 1996.