How we Work
The Governing Body meets at least once per term. It is organised into two committees which generally meet once a term. The committees are Business and Standards & Quality.
Responsibilities of the Governing Body
The Governing Body is responsible for the strategic management of a school and make decisions about a wide range of issues. The core responsibilities involved are:
- Setting the school's aims, vision and values
- Acting as a 'critical friend' to the Headteacher by providing both challenge and support
- Monitoring and evaluating the school's progress
- Budgetary allocation, monitoring and control
- Ensuring accountability. Governors must strike a balance between respecting the professional roles and expertise of the Headteacher and other staff on the one hand; and being formally accountable for the school's overall performance to parents, other stakeholders, the community and outside organisations with statutory responsibilities for education e.g. OfSTED.
- Planning for the long term future of the school.
- Appointing the Headteacher and other senior members of staff
The Full Governing Body meets at least once per term, and has two committees which meet regularly. The committees meet separately from the main governing body to discuss relevant issues in more detail. Discussion is then fed back to a Full Governing Body meeting. The committees are -
- Business which considers finance, premises and personnel issues
- Standards and Quality which considers the curriculum and achievement
Governors work by:
- Serving on committees and working groups, preparing for and attending meetings, contributing to discussions and helping to take forward agreed action after meetings.
- Getting to know the school by visiting it and meeting staff (e.g. through being a Link Governor to specific departments and by Strategic Visits), reading information provided by the school for governors and supporting school events.
- Taking responsibility for their personal training and development and helping to support new governors.
Please click the link below to see our meeting calendar for 2023-24.