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Numeracy at Raynes park


At Raynes Park High School we recognise the importance of equipping our students with strong numeracy skills so that they can develop their ability to use these skills effectively in all areas of the curriculum and, most importantly, to prepare them for the demands of education, employment and adult life. Numeracy is a proficiency that involves confidence and competence with numbers and measures whilst developing skills and abilities to solve problems in a variety of contexts.

All teachers at Raynes Park High School are teachers of numeracy. When they are teaching a subject area which involves using a numeracy skill, it will be taught to the students in the same way and method which they will have been taught by their maths teachers, this focus on consistency will help develop student confidence in applying numeracy skills across the curriculum.

Numeracy Lead - Ms Suntharalingam 

Please see below for a copy of our Numeracy policy:

Supporting Numeracy at Home

Please click the link below to see a presentation as to how you can support your children at home with regards their numeracy.

Please click the link below to access the Quickmaths newsletters for Years 10 and 11



At Raynes Park High School we are delighted to be using SparxMaths to support our homework system. SparxMaths is an amazing website which gives video support for every question students attempt, to ensure that homework can be completed independently. It also comes with some great revision features to support them in doing some independent revision.

Teachers use the unique Sparx codes, alongside their retrieval practice and main teaching, to direct students to extra revision should they need to outside of lesson.

Homework can be completed on any device with an Internet connection. Students are expected to write notes on the video and show their working out when completing a task. Students are given a homework book for this.

How to log in: Logging in is easy – simply choose the school name and then use the students’ name and date of birth when prompted. If a student is struggling to log on they should click on the ‘forgot log in details’ link.

Parental Involvement: Parents can also log in, using their child’s details, to see what they are doing. You can watch the videos with them to see what methods they should be using, and you can also view their past scores to see which areas they are struggling in.



Maths Homework Club

At Raynes Park High School we run a maths homework club on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, which is run by one of our friendly maths teachers. Here students are not limited to completing their maths homework, but they have the chance to ask a maths teacher questions if they are stuck on something numeracy based from other subjects.