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Curriculum Outreach

Raynes Park High School has a rich and varied Outreach Programme, which has delivered the following events:

Community Celebration & Tennis Court Opening

Earlier this year we welcomed Tim Henman, Stephen Hammond (Wimbledon MP) and Ross Garrod (Merton Councillor) to RPHS to officially open our brand new tennis courts. The event also welcomed 500 of our local primary school pupils who took part in the numerous outreach programmes we offer here at RPHS.  



Burlington Junior School Fitness Week

During the summer term we offered our support to the Burlington Fitness week. During this week Burlington Junior School pupils were involved in all things, sport, health and fitness. With quizzes, Inter-house competitions and culminating with sports day. 


Sublime Science

It was fantastic to welcome Sublime Science back to RPHS to deliver fun and interactive science workshops. We invited local schools Green Lanes, Joseph Hood and Hatfeild to participate in this unique and exciting opportunity alongside some of our own year 7s. Lots of whizz, whoosh, bang and fizz with explanations kept students engaged and wanting more. It was a great experience for all and showed science in a fun and creative way. 

Fulham Foundation Premier League Inspires

The FFC premier league inspires programme students have been working away at developing their social action project. Daisy D, Daisy F, Nancy and Rose were the group who had shown the best initiative of the RPHS cohort and were invited to present their idea to a select panel at Craven Cottege, where the winners would be given the money to run their project. They left no stone unturned in their preparations, even delivering their presentation to Mr Oldridge on the tube! They performed amazingly and were commended for their presentation skills. Unfortunately, they missed out on first place by the smallest of margins but were still awarded the prize money to run their mental health project with local primary school pupils. A massive well done to the girls


Aragon Primary and Burlington Junior School STEM weeks

It was a great pleasure to support two of our local primary school during their theme weeks, which had been focused on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). There year 4 and 5 pupils had the opportunity to join our Science and DT departments in a very special set of lessons. The brief was structures and the RPHS team delivered some amazing lessons. In science they focused on the very smallest structures, looking at atoms, elements and mixtures, to give a greater insight in to how the world is created. In DT they built their own totem poles and Battled against each other to see who had built the strongest structure.

'The amount of support Mr Oldridge has given us over the last year has been incredible. We have been able to use your wonderful facilities, your staff have taught our children, we have seen your productions and to cap it all, some of your sports leaders came to help us with our Sports Day. Phenomenal.' - Headteacher, Aragon Primary

Aragon Primary School Humanities week

We were very happy to invite Aragon primary’s Year 6 pupils to take part in a History workshop as part of their Humanities week. The focus was on World War 2 and Ms Stewart and the Humanities team took them on a tour of Merton during WW2 and the effects of the blitz. The pupils were brilliantly engaged and scored very highly on the quiz. They then had to work effectively as part of a team to build their own model Anderson shelter.  It was a wonderful morning that gave the pupils an insight into a topic they will be covering in class.